Reinvent 7 Effective Ways to Engage Your Customers
Now is the high time because transformation is taking place and need is to reassess, rethink, and reinvent your strategies.
In every adversity lies an opportunity, an opportunity to change, to adapt, to evolve new processes, to reinvent the ways about how to engage our customers in better ways. Now is the high time because transformation is taking place and need is to reassess, rethink, and reinvent your strategies.
It is time to rethink the changing market conditions and how it affects your product, the relevancy of your product, and reinvent new strategies for developing new concepts.
What is customer engagement-
Customer engagement is all about positive interaction between your customers and your brand.
“Customer engagement is the ongoing interactions between company and customer, offered by the company, chosen by the customer.”
Paul Greenberg (for HubSpot)
For enhancing customer engagement your focus should be on creating value and adding this value in every offering to the customers, So they share it in every experience which you created for them as a business or a brand. Customer experience is the main component of the customer engagement strategy which promotes trust and brand loyalty.
Understand the customer journey
By tracing the behavior and pattern of customer it can be seen how one customer moves from point A to point B in a predictable manner. Each customer is having a unique journey. The challenge before us is to understand the possibilities and anticipate the customer’s choices at each touchpoint. For example, if a young mother is purchasing in a retail store her touchpoints, her choices, her questions about product reflect a lot so marketers must learn to map out all the possible routes any single customer may follow . on the basis of choice of product, the utility of the product, the appearance of the product, etc.
Focus on Customer
Customers should be your top priority Start focusing on what matters to customers, what they accept, and how to keep the customer’s experience high. Your first step is to understand your customer and their need. Keep the customer data into a single 360-degree view and then put that data into action to deliver a better experience. Some points to keep in mind-
Listen to your customers,
Make space for their ideas,
Get the help of a customer-focused executive.
The customer care executive role is to be the voice of the customer and ensure that customer focus is maintained throughout the business. The CCO interprets the data and understands customers needs, helps in guiding the design and processes of a product, and also suggests ways to enhance customer focus skills.
Customer as a partner
You have to find out creative and innovative ways to involve your leading customers in all the aspects of product development and improvement design, quality, features packing, etc.
You have to employ promotional activities and strategies by effectively monitoring the customers’ opinions, sentiments, and responses.
Small human touches
Little involvement can give a customer a feeling of partnership. An enthusiastically and well-handled customer complaint can breed more loyalty than the same customer gave before the incident.
A true feeling of partnership can be given to the customer by inviting them for a conference/webinar organized explicitly to get their feedback and suggestions.
Surveys and meetings are a great way to find out what your customers really think about your business. Share results of customer feedback throughout your business.
As a partner the customer will act as your star-studded salesperson after all he feels a part of a company.
Get Personal.
There is a new paradigm shift from generic products to personal services.
You have to show that you recognize the customer’s uniqueness and engage with them in a personalized way. You have to provide relevant content by using the right channel for interaction. The new marketing paradigm is more like a conversation — and it involves listening and responding to a customer with tailored communications. Might be your competitors are strong and offer slightly better prices you can not control these factors but you can make a difference in the style of offering service
Personalized offering-
How you build a customized experience for your customer? You can offer customized services, customized products because customized experiences can increase sales up to 20 percent
During the process of personalized services trust is build. You allow a customer to feel special and this allows, customer service and product development professionals to spot new opportunities for innovations.
moLotus, a rich multimedia mobile video customer interaction platform is very helpful in sending personalized messages.
Personalize experience can increase customer engagement. AI is acting effectively in this sphere. There are few AI tools such as
CSAT.AI MaestroQA, ScorebuddyQA Maestro QA, and salesforceEienstine are good to help in customer engagement
Above mentioned matrix are doing wonders in the field of customer services and both have different features so both are important
[CSAT Scores represent how satisfied your customer is with your business. In the e-commerce industry or in any software company it reflects frustration with the company’s return policies or packaging and in software about any bug any feature] ultimately these tools helpful and reflect how satisfied a customer is with any element of the brand’s customer experience.
Marketing automation software has made it possible for brands to engage their customers. Personalized customer service is a way to differentiate your business from competitors.
Apply the right strategy to the right people at aright time.
High-quality content
Now businesses are shifting on digital platforms and the content is like a fuel that drives the marketing engine and leads new customers. Content should be powerful that add value, inspires, and engages the customers. It should provide fresh insight into the challenges the customer faces. Customer wants to see themselves as a brand ambassador. In business to business (B2B) sectors, customers want to see themselves as part of a brand’s story because they are the real ones to experience it.
Rewarding Loyalty
Businesses spend around more than $50 billion every year on customer loyalty. Rewarding loyalty gives your business a powerful edge over those competitors who don’t have them. Loyalty programs work well for all kinds of businesses like saloon, spa, Restaurant.
If you want to strengthen brand affinity among loyal customers then be ready to offer exclusive content. For example automobile companies offer adventurous trips, the club offers discounts, Brands send invitations of exclusive activities and special pricing on classes and trips.
Customer engagement is a journey it should not stop. Customers are well informed and coming to you with high expectations so you have to provide them engaging and satisfying experience by using AI tools if customers get exceptional experience than definitely they will be more loyal and build trust in your brand only you have to be consistent in your strategies
Prof. D.Nema Author, Writer, Blogger, Mentor, Life- Coach.
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Ref.:Definition: Customer Engagement